// Patrick Louis

Ten Years

A. Kircher, Palm and pineapple, China Monumentis, qua sacris qua profanis, 1667. Athanasius studied hieroglyph writing and wrongly interpreted them under the lens of hermetism, adding deeper meaning than there actually was. But was there really not that much meaning when admiring them, giving them a life of their own, don't we assign our own meaning to life. He was also one of the first person to use a microscope to investigate blood and the plague, with a theory of animalcules, or so called microbes. He was forward with germ theory and implementing hygienic measures. I could decipher the Chinese writing as 友波 or friendship, however I'm not sure about the second character.

Ten years ago I had an inner urge to lay my ideas on the web, on a place I owned.

The page was initially hosted on 1.ai, a now-defunct free platform that existed way before any similar service surfaced (resurfaced). I was immensely thrilled to design everything from scratch and to add Easter eggs. Hence, the blog became my medium of expression, my badge, an integral part of my journey and progress as I joined different online communities, looking to bond over shared interests.

A blog is a persona, a blog is a canvas, a blog is a series of sketches that are often seen only by the author. As the brainstorming gets less rigid and conventional, the more enthralled and absorbed by the sentences we are.
These days blogs have changed but I try to keep mine unaltered: each piece is uniquely me, not a pastiche or the echo of someone else.
Indeed, my personal space has attracted countless readers, from all around, with different backgrounds. Some of my words have reached further than others, and some of these words have sparked people to get in contact and show their enthusiasm.

With time, I’ve honed my style and expertise. There are two widely disjointed threads on this blog. One goes on a path toward the logical: computer-related topics with an emphasis on Unix, and the other goes in the depth of the mind: psychology and philosophy.
The general public often prefers articles that I’ve published that are about Unix-like systems. Yet, without all the rest, the stories, this wouldn’t be a mirror of my mind. Undoubtedly, blog posts are my way to externalize ideas, ponder, polish, throw, and play until I can admire the result of this assiduous brain sweat. Often I prefer to get into a mishmash of inter-related concepts, deep-dive and resurface only when it reaches an all-encompassing meaning. I love to brawl with questions and topics that I believe are hardly properly understood, possibly because no one dares connecting the topics into a single unit.

Ten years is a long time, if anyone has been reading my blog over this period they might know me more intimately than so many.

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy ten year anniversary dear blog.


  • A. Kircher, Palm and pineapple, China Monumentis, qua sacris qua profanis, 1667
    alt : Athanasius studied hieroglyph writing and wrongly interpreted them under the lens of hermetism, adding deeper meaning than there actually was. But was there really not that much meaning when admiring them, giving them a life of their own, don’t we assign our own meaning to life. He was also one of the first person to use a microscope to investigate blood and the plague, with a theory of animalcules, or so called microbes. He was forward with germ theory and implementing hygienic measures. I could decipher the Chinese writing as 友波 or friendship, however I’m not sure about the second character.

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