// Patrick Louis

Internet: Medium For Communication, Medium For Narrative Control


Astronomicum Cæsareum, "string pulling. Who will give me a spring of tears, that I may admire the lamentable industry of Apianus, who relying upon Ptolemy, wasted so many hours representing a whole labyrinth of interlocking twists and turns."

  • Internet: Medium For Communication, Medium For Narrative Control
  • Introduction

NB: This series can also be found in PDF booklet format.

To no one’s surprise, the internet has permeated all aspects of our lives. All other means of communication have dwindled in comparison, even though the technological behemoth is relatively young (around 50 years old as of 2021).
Worldwide, according to statistics from 2019, people spent an average of 2 and a half hours a day on social media. The top place goes to The Philippines with 3h53min per day.

This raises an iceberg of loaded questions.
At the top: How controlling is the internet today?
Or, asking in reverse: How does internet, as a new vector of communication, let different actors control us? How is the internet changing the way communication works and, indirectly, how we think?

These are broad questions and there are plenty of sub-questions underneath. Indeed, we keep hearing in the news about social media, extremism on the rise, and a salad of convoluted keywords thrown in articles trying to rationalize all this.
Is there really an information war?
What are the elements of it?
Who are the actors?
What’s the relation with social media?
Is it related to all the conspiracy theories we keep hearing about?
Is journalism dying?
What is the attention and data economy?
Are we all part of a giant hypnosis experiment?
More importantly, can we, and should we, do something about this?

Like many of you, I’ve asked myself these questions countless times, got buried in a mountain of headlines and news articles selling shock-value pseudo-deciphering. I temporarily felt clear-headed but quickly got back to a muddy state of comprehension.
Thus, I’ve set myself to consume all the literature I could find, peel it, parse it, organize it, categorize it, hone it, filter it, etc.. So that I could, at least partly, remove the haze surrounding the topic.

This series of articles is going to be my attempt at answering how the internet changes communication regarding narrative control. My own mini internet studies.

Here is the plan of our exploration.

Table Of Content

Get ready because this is going to be a long ride!

This series can also be found in PDF booklet format.


  • Peter Apian, Astronomicum Caesareum (Ingoldstadt, 1540)

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